"Whatever your disability, whether you know how to sail
or not, you will end up smiling!"

info@chesilsailability.org.uk       07543 656390


We have conducted a through risk assessment . 


We have placed orders for the necessary additional equipment and PPE that will be required to conduct safe Covid Secure sailing sessions. 




These sessions will initially be very small and different from last year. 

 We will only be using 2 Hansa’s and 1 or 2 Hawks. 

We will not be able to put sailors and volunteers from different households into our Hansa dinghies so only sailors who feel competent to sail on their own will be able to sail in a Hansa.  However sailors would be able to be accompanied by someone from their household or social bubble eg parent, partner, carer. 

Hansa’s will each have a dedicated safety boat close by at all times. 


Sailors who would not be able to sail a Hansa alone will be offered flights on a Hawk. Due to Covid restrictions face coverings must be worn when boarding or disembarking and sailors and volunteers will maintain social distancing when afloat. Sadly this means you will not be able to move around the boat when afloat and therefore will not be able to helm during your flight. 


We will be unable to help with dressing and undressing but will make our sanitized foul weather gear and life jackets available for sailors to use. If you need help with dressing and/or getting into a sling you will need to bring someone to assist you. 


Please read the risk assessment which can be found on the Chesil Sailability website from Friday 14th August by following the Covid19 Tab. 


If after you have read the risk assessment your would like to return to sailing please email tuesdaysailing@gmail.com indicating if you would like to sail in a Hansa or a Hawk. Once we are completely satisfied we can accommodate you safely we will inform you of your allocated vessel and flight. 




Please read the risk assessment which can be found on the Chesil Sailability website from Friday 14th August by following the Covid19 Tab. 

Once the final dates are confirmed then Dutyman will be updated to show which sessions are taking place. As part of the Covid19 arrangements we are keeping the number of volunteers on site for any session as small as possible and trying to give the opportunity for breaks between sessions in order to reduce the impact of any contact tracing that may be required. This may mean that you will not be given a role at every session or may be asked to act as a standby reserve (off site)for a session.


We are taking these small steps to make sure that we learn how to operate in a Covid19 secure way as it is likely that the virus will be with us for some considerable time and we would like to be as sure as possible that we can have a full season in 2021. 


If any of you have any questions about this return to sailing please email me a chair@chesilsailability.org.uk. Please read the risk assessment first as it does contain a lot of information. 


Stay safe. 


On behalf of the Chesil Sailability Board of Trustees.